



I got routine childhood vaccines, chickenpox in kindergarten, and more vaccines in sixth grade before visiting Kenya. I've never gotten a flu or COVID-19 vaccine.


My first and second set of teeth grew in straight, but I sucked my thumb for a while when I was a kid, so I got spaces between my upper front teeth. In middle school, I got braces and then wore a retainer for a few years. When I was 28 years old, I got two fillings.


I was born with healthy eyes and eyesight. I have full color vision. I used to have 20/20 vision but began developing nearsightedness when I was 9. When I last got my eyes checked, my optometrist said my eyes were healthy and gave me this:

Glasses prescription -
Sphere Cylinder Axis
Right (OD) -3.50 -0.50 130
Left (OS) -3.50 -0.25 010


I remember getting hearing screenings (all of which I passed) in school as a child. I don't remember the last time I got my hearing checked, but it still seems good.


My mother's mother died at the age of 66 after three years of breast cancer. My mother's father died at the age of 80 of heart disease. My mother had one brother. He was intellectually disabled and died in his late 70s. My mother's parents were cousins: Their mothers were sisters.

My father died at the age of 51 of heart disease. My father's mother died in her 80s of heart disease. My father's father died in his late 70s of heart disease. My father had one sister. She died at the age of 7 of Wilms tumor.